HeroSwap is a cross-chain swapping service for seamless swapping of any currency with no signups & no wallet connections.
Here's how to buy Sui (SUI) with USD Coin - Ethereum (USDC):
All you have to do is select USDC to deposit, and SUI to receive.
When you're ready to swap, add the wallet address (make sure you’re on the correct network!) that you're receiving to.
After that, preview your swap and send USD Coin - Ethereum (USDC) to the address shown in Step 3 to receive your Sui (SUI) coins. You can always hit the refresh button to view the progress of your submitted transaction.
Earn a passive revenue stream via our permissionless affiliate program. Simply generate a unique referral link and earn 50% of all fees for every swap you refer.
Get Referral LinkWith our cross-chain crypto swapping platform, never fret about liquidity. It's guaranteed and ready for your transactions anytime.
Don't wait for transactions to complete. With our platform, you can swap any supported crypto instantly - it takes less than 5 seconds.
No signups, no logins and no wallet connections. Start swapping right away with nothing to slow you down or risk your privacy.
We don't ask for seed phrases or private keys. Keep your coins where they belong - with you.
Make any app a crypto hub. Embed our platform in your application with just a single line of code.
We prioritize your security and anonymity. Enjoy anonymous, secure crypto swapping for your peace of mind.
By embedding HeroSwap, you can earn income from every swap. Perfect for app developers, traders and affiliates.
With our permissionless and public API, we offer full white-label integration for your app.
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